Results for 'Of Sleepy Creek Syncline'

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  1. Aeromagnetic and Aeroradioactivity Surveys—A Short Cut to Geologic Mapping.Of Sleepy Creek Syncline - 1968 - In Peter Koestenbaum (ed.), Proceedings. [San Jose? Calif.,: [San Jose? Calif.. pp. 348.
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    Absorbed in sleep: Dissociative absorption as a predictor of sleepiness following sleep deprivation in two high-functioning samples.Nirit Soffer-Dudek, Leah Shelef, Idit Oz, Anna Levkovsky, Ifaat Erlich & Shirley Gordon - 2017 - Consciousness and Cognition 48:161-170.
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    Association of Excessive Sleepiness, Pathological Fatigue, Depression, and Anxiety With Different Severity Levels of Obstructive Sleep Apnea.Karin Elisabeth Sundt Mjelle, Sverre Lehmann, Ingvild West Saxvig, Shashi Gulati & Bjørn Bjorvatn - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to investigate possible associations between obstructive sleep apnea and fatigue. This naturally led to considering the association between OSA and excessive sleepiness, depression, and anxiety.BackgroundOSA is a highly prevalent sleep disorder, associated with a risk of hypertension, cardiovascular events, daytime sleepiness, poor cognitive function, and sudden death during sleep. Both excessive sleepiness, fatigue, and symptoms of depression are frequently reported.Method5,464 patients referred to a university hospital for obstructive sleep apnea underwent standard respiratory polygraphy. The (...)
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    Time and evidence in the graded tense system of Mvskoke (Creek).Kimberly Johnson - 2022 - Natural Language Semantics 30 (2):155-183.
    In recent years, much attention has been given to the puzzling relationship between tense and evidence type found in languages where a single morpheme appears to encode both reference to time and to the evidential source for the assertion. In natural language, _tense_ has long been understood as serving to locate the time at which the proposition expressed by the sentence holds. The two main theories of _evidentials_ both agree that these morphemes serve to identify the type of evidence the (...)
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    Time Perspective Biases Are Associated With Poor Sleep Quality, Daytime Sleepiness, and Lower Levels of Subjective Well-Being Among Older Adults.Michael Rönnlund & Maria G. Carelli - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9:375735.
    This study examined the extent to which individual differences in time perspective, i.e., habitual way of relating to the personal past, present, and future, are associated with sleep quality and daytime sleepiness in a sample of older adults. The participants ( N = 437, 60–90 years) completed the Karolinska Sleep Questionnaire (KSQ), a the Swedish version of the Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (S-ZTPI), and two ratings of subjective well-being (SWB) (life satisfaction, happiness). Based on established relationships between dimension of time (...)
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    Up at the Fork of the Creek: In Search of American Populism.Clyde Wilson - 1995 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 1995 (104):77-88.
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  7. Rees, A. W. - The Heron Of Castle Creek[REVIEW]M. Wallace - 1922 - Scientia 16 (31):476.
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    Howard Markel, The Kelloggs: The Battling Brothers of Battle Creek: Pantheon Books, New York, 2017, 506 +pp. ISBN 978 03 07907271. [REVIEW]Paul B. Thompson - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (3):737-738.
    Markel is a medical historian who produced this joint biography of John Harvey Kellogg and W.K. Kellogg.
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    Relations among perceived stress, fatigue, and sleepiness, and their effects on the ambulatory arterial stiffness index in medical staff: A cross-sectional study.Xiaorong Lang, Quan Wang, Sufang Huang, Danni Feng, Fengfei Ding & Wei Wang - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo explore the relations among perceived stress, fatigue, sleepiness, and the pathway of their effects on the ambulatory arterial stiffness index among medical staff.MethodsThis cross-sectional study was conducted at a tertiary hospital in Wuhan, China. Perceived stress, fatigue, and sleepiness were measured using the perceived stress scale, Fatigue assessment scale, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale, respectively. AASI was obtained from 24-h ambulatory blood pressure monitoring. Path analysis was used to clarify the relations among the PSS, FAS, and ESS scores, and their (...)
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    Seeking Power at Willow Creek Cave, Northern California.Carol Patterson - 1998 - Anthropology of Consciousness 9 (1):38-49.
    Willow Creek petroglyph site, located in northeastern California represents a long tradition of rock engravings associated with shamanic practices for the Numic groups of hunter/gatherer people, both in prehistoric and historic times. Archaeological evidence shows a continuous occupation for 2,000 years with the protohistoric Northern Paiute culture. Ethnographic data support the use of these caves for vision quests and seeking power. Several interviews with practicing shamans who have experienced entoptic phenomena supply interpretations of these designs. Lewis‐Williams and Dowson have (...)
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    Journal Peer Review and Editorial Evaluation: Cautious Innovator or Sleepy Giant?Serge P. J. M. Horbach & Willem Halffman - 2020 - Minerva 58 (2):139-161.
    Peer review of journal submissions has become one of the most important pillars of quality management in academic publishing. Because of growing concerns with the quality and effectiveness of the system, a host of enthusiastic innovators has proposed and experimented with new procedures and technologies. However, little is known about whether these innovations manage to convince other journal editors. This paper will address open questions regarding the implementation of new review procedures, the occurrence rate of various peer review procedures and (...)
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    Free Allen�S Creek!Jim Nicita - unknown
    To free Allen�s Creek from its ignominous confines within an aging, inadequate storm drain. To free Allen�s Creek from its status as a flooding disaster-in-waiting. To free Allen�s Creek from its role of contributing the heaviest concentration of phosphorus and other pollutants of any tributary of the Huron River in Washtenaw County. To free Allen�s Creek from its obscurity.
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    O fuso ea bela adormecida: psicodin'mica e; ética no ambiente hospitalar; Sleepy beauty: psychodynamics and ethics in the hospital.Gustavo Espã­Ndola Winck & Clã¡Udia S. S. Dos Santos - 2002 - Aletheia: An International Journal of Philosophy 16 (16):137-147.
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    Does upper-body elevation affect sleepiness and memories of hypnagogic images after short daytime naps?Kenta Nozoe, Kazuhiko Fukuda, Takamasa Kogure, Toshihide Shiino & Shoichi Asaoka - 2020 - Consciousness and Cognition 80:102916.
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    The fish in the creek is sentient, even if I can’t speak with it.Michael L. Woodruff - 2018 - Trans/Form/Ação 41 (s1):119-152.
    : In this paper I argue that Velmens’ reflexive model of perceptual consciousness is useful for understanding the first-person perspective and sentience in animals. I then offer a defense of the proposal that ray-finned bony fish have a first-person perspective and sentience. This defense has two prongs. The first prong is presence of a substantial body of evidence that the neuroanatomy of the fish brain exhibits basic organizational principles associated with consciousness in mammals. These principles include a relationship between a (...)
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  16. Review of Pilgrim at Tinker Creek[REVIEW]Kevin Timpe - 2009 - Metapsychology 13 (52).
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    Oak Creek Killings: The Denial of a Culture of Oppression. [REVIEW]Balbinder Singh Bhogal - 2012 - Sophia 51 (3):335-339.
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  18. Mission Bay: Mission Creek Park North-First major park in one of San Francisco's largest redevelopment projects.Marta Fry - 2008 - Topos 63:66.
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  19. Avulsion and capture of El Tejar Creek: an example of geological risk related to lateral migration and trees cutting down, Tucumán, Argentina.Marcelo Sebastián Moyano - forthcoming - Laguna.
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  20. Down the Stream or Up the Creek? The Economic Geography of a Dendritic Tributary/Exchange System in Micronesia.David W. Black - 1986 - Nexus 5 (1):2.
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    Disputations from the Damaged City: Spike Lee’s If God Is Willing and da Creek Don’t Rise (2010) and the Taking Place of Civil Society in Post-Katrina New Orleans.Jaimey Fisher - 2021 - Telos: Critical Theory of the Contemporary 2021 (197):101-123.
  22. The Sparer Climate for Which I Longed: Pilgrim at Tinker Creek and the Imperatives of Fall.Gary McIlroy - 1984 - Thoreau Quarterly 16 (3-4):156-161.
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    Evolution in an Anthropological View. By C. Loring Brace. Pp. 407. (AltaMira Press, Walnut Creek, CA, 2000.) $26.95, ISBN 0-7425-0263-5, paperback. [REVIEW]Sarah Elton - 2003 - Journal of Biosocial Science 35 (1):153-160.
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    Beyond Post‐Traumatic Stress: Homefront Struggles with the Wars on Terror. Hautzinger, Sarah, and Jean Scandlyn. Walnut Creek: Left Coast Press, 2014. 318 pp. ISBN‐978‐1‐61132‐366‐5, $36.95. [REVIEW]Heather Roy - 2016 - Anthropology of Consciousness 27 (1):105-107.
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    Hein, George E. Progressive Museum Practice: John Dewey and Democracy. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press, 2012, 255 pp., $94.00 cloth, $32.95 paper. [REVIEW]Scott R. Stroud - 2014 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 72 (1):99-101.
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    Ross, Anne, Kathleen Pickering Sherman, Jeffrey G. Snodgrass, Henry D. Delcore and Richard Sherman. Indigenous peoples and the collaborative stewardship of nature: knowledge binds and institutional conflicts: Left Coast Press, Inc., Walnut Creek, 2011, 320 pp, ISBN-13: 9781598745788. [REVIEW]Emily Philipp - 2015 - Agriculture and Human Values 32 (2):365-366.
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    Spirits with Scalpels: The Culturalbiology of Religious Healing in Brazil. Sidney M. Greenfield. Walnut Creek, Ca.: Left Coast Press, Inc. 2008. 7‐239pp. [REVIEW]Michael Winkelman - 2010 - Ethos: Journal of the Society for Psychological Anthropology 38 (3):1-3.
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    Changes in Electroencephalography Activity of Sensory Areas Linked to Car Sickness in Real Driving Conditions.Eléonore H. Henry, Clément Bougard, Christophe Bourdin & Lionel Bringoux - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Car sickness is a major concern for car passengers, and with the development of autonomous vehicles, increasing numbers of car occupants are likely to be affected. Previous laboratory studies have used EEG measurements to better understand the cerebral changes linked to symptoms. However, the dynamics of motion in labs/simulators differ from those of a real car. This study sought to identify specific cerebral changes associated with the level of car sickness experienced in real driving conditions. Nine healthy volunteers participated as (...)
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    Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy (review).Paul S. Miklowitz - 2004 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 42 (3):347-348.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of PhilosophyPaul S. MiklowitzSusan Neiman. Evil in Modern Thought: An Alternative History of Philosophy. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2002. Pp. xii + 358. Cloth, $29.95.Contemporary philosophy in America tends to regard epistemological questions as the most fundamental of the discipline, but Susan Neiman's Evil in Modern Thought sets itself against this assumption in an attempt to sketch "an alternative history of (...)
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    The rediscovery of America: essays by Harry V. Faffa on the new birth of politics.Harry V. Jaffa - 2018 - Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield. Edited by Edward J. Erler & Ken Masugi.
    Introduction -- Aristotle and Locke in the American founding -- Equality, liberty, wisdom, morality, and consent in the idea of political freedom -- Humanizing certitudes and impoverishing doubts : a critique of The closing of the American mind by Allan Bloom -- "The Reichstag is still burning : the failure of higher education and the decline of the West" : a valedictory lecture -- The end of history means the end of freedom -- The American founding as the best regime (...)
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    Marc Bloch, strange defeat, the historian's craft and World War II: Writing and teaching contemporary history.Neil Morpeth - 2005 - The European Legacy 10 (3):179-195.
    The roles of small and great books, and passionate yet well-considered writings in the general education of a “college” or “university” trained teacher are questions which should be turned back upon the historian as teacher and writer. Where resides the historian's classroom? Who are the students and how do teachers come to be? What subject matter should be used to prod and provoke an often dormant humanity awake? Professor Marc Bloch's work, his passion for history's rôles and its voices from (...)
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  32. Informed concern.Holmes Rolston - unknown
    thirsty, hot, tired, excited, sleepy. They suffer injury and lick their wounds. Sooner or later every biologist must concede that "care" is there. Call these "interests" or "preferences" or whatever; if "caring" is too loaded a term, then call these animal "concerns." Staying alive requires "self-defense." Living things have "needs." One of the hallmarks of life is that it can be "irritated." Organisms have to be "operational." Biology without "conservation" is death. Biology.
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    Ethics, Aesthetics, and the Beyond of Language.Robert Hughes - 2010 - State University of New York Press.
    Sleepy Hollow : fearful pleasures and the nightmare of history -- Lacan and the beyond of language : from art to ethics -- Brown's Wieland and the ethical circumscription of death -- Heideggerian ethics : the voice of art and the call to being -- Levinas: art and the transcendence of solitude -- Endings : ethics, enigma, and address in The marble faun -- Riven : Badiou's ethical subject and the event of art as trauma.
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    The Color Run.Corey Hickner-Johnson - 2018 - Feminist Studies 44 (1):125.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Feminist Studies 44, no. 1. © 2018 by Feminist Studies, Inc. 125 Corey Hickner-Johnson The Color Run On the path to North Liberty, it was gray and was sallow as I pounded 400s on the hills. My body was lethargic, unwilling at first, and then, after I felt sick, I ran even harder. I was claiming some last home for my heart out there—there in those anemic, gray prairie (...)
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    Eyelid movements and mental activity at sleep onset.Jason T. Rowley, Robert Stickgold & J. Allan Hobson - 1998 - Consciousness and Cognition 7 (1):67-84.
    The nature and time course of sleep onset (hypnagogic) mentation was studied in the home environment using the Nightcap, a reliable, cost-effective, and relatively noninvasive sleep monitor. The Nightcap, linked to a personal computer, reliably identified sleep onset according to changes in perceived sleepiness and the appearance of hypnagogic dream features. Awakenings were performed by the computer after 15 s to 5 min of sleep as defined by eyelid quiescence. Awakenings from longer periods of sleep were associated with (1) an (...)
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    Motions with Emotions?Jaana Parviainen, Lina van Aerschot, Tuomo Särkikoski, Satu Pekkarinen, Helinä Melkas & Lea Hennala - 2019 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 23 (3):318-341.
    This article examines how the interactive capabilities of companion robots, particularly their materiality and animate movements, appeal to human users and generate an image of aliveness. Building on Husserl’s phenomenological notion of a ‘double body’ and theories of emotions as affective responses, we develop a new understanding of the robots’ simulated aliveness. Analyzing empirical findings of a field study on the use of the robot Zora in care homes for older people, we suggest that the aliveness of companion robots is (...)
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  37. De se belief and rational choice.James R. Shaw - 2013 - Synthese 190 (3):491-508.
    The Sleeping Beauty puzzle has dramatized the divisive question of how de se beliefs should be integrated into formal theories of rational belief change. In this paper, I look ahead to a related question: how should de se beliefs be integrated into formal theories of rational choice? I argue that standard decision theoretic frameworks fail in special cases of de se uncertainty, like Sleeping Beauty. The nature of the failure reveals that sometimes rational choices are determined independently of one’s credences (...)
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    Nothing happens here.Jon Stratton & Adam Trainer - 2016 - Thesis Eleven 135 (1):34-50.
    This essay examines Perth as portrayed through the lyrics of popular songs written by people who grew up in the city. These lyrics tend to reproduce the dominant myths about the city: that it is isolated, that it is self-satisfied, that little happens there. Perth became the focus of song lyrics during the late 1970s time of punk with titles such as ‘Arsehole of the Universe’ and ‘Perth Is a Culture Shock’. Even the Eurogliders’ 1984 hit, ‘Heaven Must Be There’, (...)
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    Alteration in Resting-State EEG Microstates Following 24 Hours of Total Sleep Deprivation in Healthy Young Male Subjects.Ming Ke, Jianpan Li & Lubin Wang - 2021 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 15.
    Purpose: The cognitive effects of total sleep deprivation on the brain remain poorly understood. Electroencephalography is a very useful tool for detecting spontaneous brain activity in the resting state. Quasi-stable electrical distributions, known as microstates, carry useful information about the dynamics of large-scale brain networks. In this study, microstate analysis was used to study changes in brain activity after 24 h of total sleep deprivation.Participants and Methods: Twenty-seven healthy volunteers were recruited and underwent EEG scans before and after 24 h (...)
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  40. The mind-body problem--who cares?Guy Claxton - 2003 - Journal of Consciousness Studies 10 (12):35-37.
    When I first open a new document on my computer, as I have just done, the relationship between my key presses and what happens on the screen is rather loose. I press Enter a few times to move the cursor down the page a bit , and sometimes nothing happens for a while; or the cursor disappears for a few seconds before reappearing in its new position. After a minute or so, the machine seems to settle down, and then the (...)
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    Gender, Work-Family Responsibilities, and Sleep.Anthony R. Bardo, Rachel A. Sebastian & David J. Maume - 2010 - Gender and Society 24 (6):746-768.
    This study adds to a small but growing literature that situates sleep within gendered work— family responsibilities. We conducted interviews with 25 heterosexual dual-earner working-class couples with children, most of whom had one partner who worked at night. A few men suffered disrupted sleep because of their commitment to being a coparent to their children, but for most their provider status gave them rights to longer and more continuous sleep. By contrast, as they were the primary caregiver during sentient hours, (...)
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    Hypocretin/orexin, sleep and narcolepsy.Marcel Hungs & Emmanuel Mignot - 2001 - Bioessays 23 (5):397-408.
    The discovery that hypocretins are involved in narcolepsy, a disorder associated with excessive daytime sleepiness, cataplexy and unusually rapid transitions to rapid‐eye‐movement sleep, opens a new field of investigation in the area of sleep control physiology. Hypocretin‐1 and ‐2 (also called orexin‐A and ‐B) are newly discovered neuropeptides processed from a common precursor, preprohypocretin. Hypocretin‐containing cells are located exclusively in the lateral hypothalamus, with widespread projections to the entire neuroaxis. Two known receptors, Hcrtr1 and Hcrtr2, have been reported. The functional (...)
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    Individual Differences in the Association Between Celebrity Worship and Subjective Well-Being: The Moderating Role of Gender and Age.Ágnes Zsila, Gábor Orosz, Lynn E. McCutcheon & Zsolt Demetrovics - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    The association of celebrity worship with mental health concerns has been extensively studied in the past two decades. However, there is a lack of research on basic demographic characteristics that can potentially alter the link between celebrity admiration and different aspects of mental health. The present study investigates the possible moderating role of gender, age, and opposite/same-gender celebrity selection on the association of celebrity worship with general well-being, self-esteem and perceived daytime sleepiness. A total of 1763 Hungarian adults completed an (...)
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  44. Epiphenomenalism.Keith Campbell & Nicholas J. J. Smith - 1993 - Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    Epiphenomenalism is a theory concerning the relation between the mental and physical realms, regarded as radically different in nature. The theory holds that only physical states have causal power, and that mental states are completely dependent on them. The mental realm, for epiphenomenalists, is nothing more than a series of conscious states which signify the occurrence of states of the nervous system, but which play no causal role. For example, my feeling sleepy does not cause my yawning — rather, (...)
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    Working While Narcoleptic.Nicole Eugene - 2013 - Anthropology of Consciousness 24 (2):158-171.
    As a young person with narcolepsy, the author chronicles some of the challenges and hopes of being in the workforce. These journal entries center around the issues created by excessive daytime sleepiness and the experiences that drive the narrator to become self-employed.
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    Nightmare frequency is related to a propensity for mirror behaviors.Tore Nielsen, Russell A. Powell & Don Kuiken - 2013 - Consciousness and Cognition 22 (4):1181-1188.
    We previously reported that college students who indicated engaging in frequent dream-enacting behaviors also scored high on a new measure of mirror behaviors, which is the propensity to imitate another person’s emotions or actions. Since dream-enacting behaviors are frequently the culmination of nightmares, one explanation for the observed relationship is that individuals who frequently display mirror behaviors are also prone to nightmares. We used the Mirror Behavior Questionnaire and self-reported frequencies of nightmares to assess this possibility.A sample of 480 students, (...)
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  47. Drift: A way.David Prater - 2013 - Continent 3 (2):31-33.
    This piece, included in the drift special issue of continent. , was created as one step in a thread of inquiry. While each of the contributions to drift stand on their own, the project was an attempt to follow a line of theoretical inquiry as it passed through time and the postal service(s) from October 2012 until May 2013. This issue hosts two threads: between space & place and between intention & attention . The editors recommend that to experience the (...)
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    Brian Black. Petrolia: The Landscape of America's First Oil Boom. xiv + 236 pp., illus., tables, app., index.Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2000. $42.50. [REVIEW]Paul Lucier - 2002 - Isis 93 (1):151-152.
    The history of the modern oil industry begins along Oil Creek in August 1859 when Edwin Drake and Billy Smith found petroleum at the bottom of their well. Over the next decade and a half, Petrolia, the name given to this region in northwest Pennsylvania, produced more oil than anywhere else on earth. In the process, Petrolia became a massive industrial site and a vivid cultural image. Understanding this profound dual transformation is the object of Brian Black's sensitively drawn (...)
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    After Alice: Alice and the Dry Tail.Dorothea Olkowski - 2008 - Deleuze and Guatarri Studies 2 (Suppl):107-122.
    According to Gilles Deleuze, the underground world of Alice in Wonderland has been strongly associated with animality and embodiment. Thus the need for Alice's eventual climb to the surface and her discovery that everything linguistic happens at that border. Yet, strangely, in spite of the claim that Alice disavows false depth and returns to the surface, it seems that it is precisely in the depths that she finally wakes from her sleepy, stupified surface state and investigates the deep structures, (...)
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    Dream Activity in Narcoleptic Patients During the COVID-19 Lockdown in Italy.Serena Scarpelli, Valentina Alfonsi, Anita D'Anselmo, Maurizio Gorgoni, Alessandro Musetti, Giuseppe Plazzi, Luigi De Gennaro & Christian Franceschini - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Some studies highlighted that patients with narcolepsy type-1 experience high lucid dream frequency, and this phenomenon has been associated with a creative personality. Starting from the well-known “pandemic effect” on sleep and dreaming, we presented a picture of dream activity in pharmacologically treated NT1 patients during the Italian lockdown. Forty-three NT1 patients completed a web-survey during Spring 2021 and were compared with 86 matched-controls. Statistical comparisons revealed that: NT1 patients showed greater sleepiness than controls; controls showed higher sleep disturbances than (...)
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